Celebrating Kusaasi Beauty and Values: FlameBwoy Music’s New Hit “Kusa Pupumis”

Ghanaian dancehall star FlameBwoy Music is back with a fresh new track paying tribute to the beauty, grace and good character of women from the Kusaasi tribe in Ghana’s Upper East Region. The song titled “Kusa Pupumis” which translates to “Kusaasi Girls” is a lively and joyful ode to Kusaasi femininity.

On the upbeat dancehall rhythm, FlameBwoy praises the stunning looks and admirable values of Kusaasi women. With his smooth vocals and clever wordplay, he paints a picture of their beauty – with references to their glowing skin, graceful frames, and radiant smiles. But he goes beyond just looks to celebrate their good upbringing, giving shoutouts to Kusaasi parents for raising their daughters right.

The lyrics shower respect on the virtues instilled in Kusaasi girls – their humble nature, respect for elders, hard work ethic and maintaining tradition and culture. FlameBwoy makes it clear he has nothing but admiration and love for the total package of outer and inner beauty possessed by women of this tribe.

With “Kusa Pupumis”, the Upper East Region-born artist continues his mission of shouting out to the world the rich cultures, traditional values and incredible people of his home region. Previous hits like “Nongdaan bii” put the spotlight on the Kusaasi people and their communities.

The feel-good, uptempo groove of “Kusa Pupumis” is set to make it an anthem at upcoming festival celebrations and events. It’s the kind of song that will make Kusaasi women beam with pride every time it comes on. For FlameBwoy’s global audience, it’s a window into understanding the beauty found in this Ghanaian tribe.

At a time when appreciation for diverse cultures is on the rise, “Kusa Pupumis” is a timely celebration from one of Ghana’s musical ambassadors. Press play and feel the Kusaasi vibe!

Liste to the song HEREPLAY ▶️

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