Yaw Asante, better known in entertainment as Reggie Rockstone, the father of Ghanaian hip-life music, has alleged that a sitting head of state dated his girlfriend years ago when he was in his prime.
He claims that at the time, a sitting president shared his girlfriend with him without his knowledge.
In a video shared on his Instagram page, Rockstone revealed the news.
He said that he met the lady years ago on the University of Ghana’s Legon campus, where he had gone to see a concert.
They dated for a while before it was discovered that he was dating an unidentified president at the time.
Reggie stated that only four individuals were aware of this, one of whom was deceased.
He stated that he learned about his girlfriend’s relationship with the reigning president through his father.
“I was seeing a wonderful sister at some point, and it just so happened she was dating the president at the time,” he explained.
He said that the woman had two phones, one of which was reserved only for calls from the president.
“When you’re dating these lovely females, you have to be careful because they may be tied to some important politician,” he continued.
Such girls, he claims, might get you into difficulty by putting your life or career on the line.
His wife also stated that if social media had been around at the time, this would have been major news.
Reggie, on the other hand, stated that he would not reveal the president’s identity.
He said that he went away since he was the flyman when his wife intervened and questioned “whether the girl dumped him like a bad habit” after learning of her cheating exploits.
Source: Dklassgh.com