Shatta Wale, also known as Charles Nii Armah Mensah, has voiced displeasure with the kind of hairstyle his ex wife Michy has chosen for their son Majesty.
In an interview with Andy Dosty, Shatta Wale said that Michy, the mother of his 7-year-old boy, has denied him access to him and the chance to make any decisions for Majesty.
Shatta Wale expressed his disagreement his kid’s haircut and said he had no control over it because his son was now in his mother’s care.
Nevertheless, he was not a fan of his son’s dreadlocks citing that his youngster is too young to wear dreadlocks.
“I don’t like that hair, I don’t like that hairstyle but that is why I say that he will grow up to see that his father is not a rastaman… he will grow up to decide for himself. I am an artist but I don’t want my kid like that but you know he is with his mum and doesn’t know anything,” he expressed his displeasure in an interview on Hitz FM with Andy Dosty.