My baby mama has threatened to divorce me if I reply Amerado – Strongman reveals

Rapper, Strongman, has revealed in the course of an exclusive interview on Angel FM that his wife has threatened to divorce him if he dares reply to Amerado’s shots at him.

According to Strongman, he has taken notice of the indirect attacks and shots Amerado throws at him in his songs but he has deliberately refused to reply to any of them.

He additionally bragged that Amerado is still not up to his standard therefore he doesn’t deserve a reply from him.

Strongman who has crowned himself as the beef champion further asserted that his wife has ever threatened to dissolve their marriage the very day he hits the studio to reply to Amerado’s insults on him.

The celebrated rapper who is aware of the dirty tactics Amerado is trying to use on him and Sarkodie to elevate his career vowed never to reply to him no matter how low he goes to trigger his response.

Strongman and Amerado were under the same record label (MIC BURNERS) some time ago before the former’s exit. We are yet to find out the cause of the enmity that has erupted between them.

Source: ghpage